Lua Plugin for Script Hook V (Reloaded) ForUsers_JM36-V20230125.0-Stable

Mart 10, 2023 - 19:57
 0  211
Lua Plugin for Script Hook V (Reloaded) ForUsers_JM36-V20230125.0-Stable

Interested in having a nice, fast, easy way to write/add and/or test your own Lua scripts or use existing Lua scripts for Grand Theft Auto V with ease and virtually zero/no performance loss/impact (especially when compared to the older/traditional Lua Plugin)?

Have FiveM Lua experience/knowledge that you would like to take/bring into normal GTA?

Interested in having the ability to interface various in-game things to various external/out of game things (say trigger an action on/in an external unrelated program or create your own Discord rich presence with an external utility for example, maybe even create yourself a remote game interaction api) with ease?

Well, recently I’ve somewhat departed from FiveM (with 3+ years of experience) and thought it would be cool to port over some of my scripts to singleplayer, finding headscript’s/gallexme’s Lua Plugin for Script Hook V in the process, which just simply didn’t suit my needs nor meet my expectations (especially in regards to performance), and it has pretty much been abandoned for years now, so I’ve decided to adopt it as my own and dramatically/drastically improve my fork of it far beyond what anyone could’ve ever imagined being possible with this, and I plan on introducing new performance/optimization features/techniques over time and releasing updates somewhat frequently.

Mod description: Write/Use custom Lua scripts for GTA V

Bugs and features:
1: Bug – Lua Plugin itself **cannot** be reloaded, but Lua scripts *can* be reloaded.
2: Feature – Introduced FiveM style Lua game native function calls (alongside the older/legacy game native function calls for compatibility with older/existing Lua Plugin scripts)
3: Feature – An external Lua script(s) directory which is reminiscent of a typical Lua working directory that you can place anywhere.
4: Feature – Lua script reloading script for developers with DebugMode variable set true.
5: Feature – Maintain compatibility with older/existing Lua Plugin scripts.
6: Feature – Coming Soon: Universal timer and variables with relevant player information to avoid having to use certain/common game native calls across numerous scripts (and wasting resources by doing so).
7: Feature – Universal built in native config file reader/writer functions for data storage/retention/persistence
8: Feature – Included examples and documentation via GitHub wiki

Summary of installation instructions:

Credits and, if applicable, notices of permission for content re-use:
1: Credits | JayMontana36 – This version/fork of Lua Plugin with completely homemade/rewritten externals (currently ALL of the included Lua scripts with the exception of “GUI.lua” were all written/original content by me)
2: Credits | headscript/gallexme – The original author of Lua Plugin who’s ASI files are currently still used in this project/fork due to my lack of knowledge to create my own.
3: Notice of permission for content re-use – – Applies to the ASI files and the “GUI.lua” file used in this project/fork; for everything else

Tepkiniz Nedir?






